Customer parking is available in the parking lot directly behind the Market. View this map for a full directory of public transportation, vehicle and bike parking in the neighborhood. These are paid lots via scanning a QR code and entering credit card information.
*Visitor Note: Anyone not wearing a red ProPark vest is NOT a parking attendant. No official ProPark attendant or Market employee will approach your car asking for a cash payment or donation.
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West Side Market Parking FAQs
As of June 7, 2024 West Side Market’s parking have moved to a gateless system. This allows for seamless entry and exit and alleviates traffic congestion on Lorain Avenue.
Why a gateless system?
Congestion at the entry and exit to the lots is a frequently cited problem with West Side Market visitors, especially during weekends. Gateless parking lots maximize entry and exit efficiency and reduce traffic congestion on major streets that feed the parking lots, especially Lorain. Gateless parking models have already been implemented in many other highly visited Cleveland neighborhoods, and in the surrounding suburbs.
What are the parking rates?
Parking in West Side Market lots is free for the first 90 minutes during West Side Market Hours (7am – 5pm)
After 90 minutes, the hourly rate is $1.50 + tax, with a daily maximum of $12.
After 6pm, there is a flat evening parking rate of $6.
How do I enter the lots?
The lots are open access. You simply drive in and park without stopping at any gate.
How do I pay for parking?
The lots have well-marked payment signage. To select your planned duration to park, you scan the code on the signage with a smart phone, or text the number posted with any cell phone. You enter your license plate number and select the time you expect to be in the lot and make a payment directly from your phone. The first 90 minutes are free.
If you do not wish to pay for parking, you may enter your vehicle information and intended duration into a credit card payment kiosk located by the main Produce Arcade doors off of the parking lots.
If you exceed your paid parking time, you will receive a prompt on your phone, which allows you to purchase extra time.
Do I need to scan the QR code if I’m parking for less than 90 minutes?
If West Side Market is open: no you do not need to scan or pay if you intend to park for less than 90 minutes. However, it is beneficial to enter your plate into the system and select “90 minutes free” if you are able, as you will receive a notification on your phone if you are approaching your 90 minute limit. If you need more time, you are able to add time to your stay directly on your phone without having to scan again.
What are parking rates when West Side Market is closed?
When West Side Market is closed, parking is $1.50 + tax per hour, with a daily maximum of $12. Outside of West Side Market hours, all guests of the lots must make payment arrangements via scan, text, or credit card kiosk.
From 6pm through 3am, the Market charges a flat $6 rate.
What if I don’t have a smart phone?
You don’t need a smart phone – any phone will work! You may text the number provided on the signage to provide your license plate number and payment info. The first 90 minutes of parking are free during West Side Market hours.
Further, you can pay for parking via our credit card kiosk (no phone necessary), which is located near the Produce Arcade main entrance doors just off the parking lots.
Questions? Contact or 216-293-9830.